Batch Powder Coating
Our batch powder coating department is extremely flexible in the array of jobs that it can process. We have the ability to powder coat items as small as a postage stamp and as large as an elephant.
Once a job is received the parts are pretreated in the most effective manner to ensure proper surface preparation.
The next step in our system is to take care of any masking and prep work required.
The job is then powder coated in one of our three batch booths. All of our batch powder coaters are highly experienced, including team members who have been with Westside Finishing for over twenty years! You can rest assured your product is being handled by true professionals. After the painter has prepped his area and setup his gun, he will give your parts one last final inspection to ensure that they are clean and free of any surface contaminants. He will also inspect any and all masking to ensure that it is accurate. Finally he will powder coat your part.
After your parts have been powder coated, they will be baked in one of our three batch ovens until the coating has been fully cured.
The last step in the batch powder coating process is the final inspection by quality control personnel and packaging.
Years of experience have taught us that nothing remains static. We are always learning and adapting new methods and processes, which allow us to turn your job around as quickly and efficiently as possible. Rest assured that when your parts arrive at our door they will be processed quickly and with the utmost concern for your satisfaction.