All orders are COD until credit approval. Terms upon credit approval are 1%-10, Net 30 days. Discounts are not applicable to trucking charges.
If payment is not received with respect to any invoice within 60 days, the account will be placed on credit hold. Customer must within 10
days after written notice from Westside Finishing pay in full all invoices outstanding 45 days or longer. If customer fails to do so all orders
thereafter filled by Westside shall be COD and goods will not be released or delivered unless customer pays, in addition to the invoice for
such goods, a minimum of 25% of customer’s existing outstanding account balance.
Payments and credits will be applied to the account in the following order: a) specified open invoice, and b) oldest unpaid invoice.
Westside Finishing Co., Inc. reserves the right to change its credit policy at any time upon written notice to the customer.
In the event the account becomes past due and is referred to an attorney for collection, I agree to pay reasonable attorneys’ fees and court
costs incurred by Westside in collecting any amounts due or in enforcing its rights. I agree that this contract shall be governed by
Massachusetts law and the jurisdiction of the courts of Massachusetts.
I acknowledge that the above information is complete and accurate and is provided for the purposes of obtaining credit. By submitting this
application I authorize Westside Finishing Co., Inc. to make inquiries into the banking and business/trade references that I have supplied.
I agree to abide by the credit service policies and procedures established by Westside Finishing Company, Inc.