Westside Finishing prides itself on the quality of our performance, which in part has been attributed from the work procedures defined in our ISO Quality Program. ISO, better known as the International Organization for Standardization is an independent group that works with businesses to develop an internal process that ensures the quality, safety and efficiency of products and services. When a business is ISO 9001 certified, it essentially shows that they are in accordance with the standards needed to continue to deliver consistent products or services. In recent weeks, Westside Finishing found itself ready for our ISO 9001 recertification but given the current state of things due to Covid-19, ultimately decided on trying out our first ever virtual audit. Normally, an ISO auditor would visit the production floor and conduct interviews with employees face-to-face and evaluate if the procedures being done match those listed in the Company’s ISO Quality Procedures, and if those procedures meet the ISO standard. In the virtual audit, the auditor was able to tour the facility through video meetings and WSF shared documents electronically to allow the auditor to complete the steps needed for recertification. Overall, the virtual ISO 9001 Recertification Audit was a success and Westside Finishing passed with zero findings, while still being able to adhere to social distance guidelines. Our ISO Registrar, NSF, asked if they could share our experience in their case study which focuses on adapting business measures in the time of a pandemic. To see the full case study on our ISO 9001 Recertification Audit click below: